品牌間介Lami-Vent?層流型散流茶具有顯著的”雙艙”裝修設置,為是需要做穩固氣體的流動掌握的房屋具備一致、下吹式的”單通道”氣體的流動。加固式的分開板將散流器差不多分銷超各類進行高壓及底壓兩城市,也只是 散流器的超各類進行高壓與底壓艙。在上半部的超各類進行高壓貨艙有長錐體閥體,可將由本輸出版塊的氣體的流動做差不多的分銷。在從上側艙間流到上部艙間的氣體體的流動動就會由一孔狀網板以增強下艙的壓力。種裝修設置將主產生的單通道氣體的流動,具備很廣的外表空氣旋速區間可是占比誤差在+/- 10%里面。Lami-Vent的另一方面一個項優點有哪些是有別于于通常情況下的散流器這對于管路空氣旋速較不刺激性,因為這也是為什么會這樣樣的Lami-Vent輸出版塊固然契合可是低于ASHRAE所歸定的“E”組散流器細則。品牌不適用在科學檢測內設計鋁扣板吊頂上施工的散流器常因空氣旋速過高而于透氣柜前會導致干攏性的橫越氣體的流動,于是使透氣柜退化了的的污染捉捕效率,種無效合同需在科學檢測室中否則加以以免 ,且應將在透氣柜的橫越氣體的流動控制再不低于透氣柜外表空氣旋速的50%或0.15m/s(30fpm)已內。層免疫印跡散流器非常合適的施用可具備科學檢測內設計一致、下吹式的”單通道”氣體的流動以影響科學檢測內設計的干攏氣體的流動。在醫藥管理院所措施中,Lami-Vent散流器專門不適比較適用于操作室還有鄰接的美觀度過道已經美觀度房、保護英文性區域環境室(PE) 、加護診室(燒燙傷起泡診室)、周圍神經損傷室、唯一性程序流程圖室如導尿管室、電流值身理科學檢測室等、動靜脈牙齒修復室.醫藥管理的促進會局以還有它的科學檢測室同一地也能夠 施用Lami-Vent連接結構的散流器以能可以獲得單通道性的氣體的流動。在裝設在透氣柜已經生物工程體穩定柜/生物工程體-的的污染的制造業化措施及科學檢測內設計是需要有低擾流的氣體的流動型態,施用Lami- Vent散流器如要達此目地,另一方面也可不適比較適用于如爬行動物房,進行消毒措施已經外包裝部們這些等等制造業化措施。
The Nederman Standard arm is specially designed for working environments with fumes, vapours or non explosive dust, where the demands for higher airflows and temperatures are moderate. Typical workplaces can be welding schools, different types of applications in light production or other industrial processes where an easily positioned arm is required.The arm is available in two lengths, 2 and 3m and equipped with a high efficiency extraction hood without damper.? The arm is flexible in all directions and simple to position? The arm has a compact design? Designed for wall mounting and suspended by a integrated wall bracket/90 degree bend? Allows rotation of 180 degrees
Nederman NEX HD  extraction arms are the top of the range arms when it comes to high airflows and extraction of media with higher temperatures than normal. The arms are specially designed for working environments with very heavy smoke, vapours or non explosive dust. Typical workplaces are the metal fabrication industry or other type of industries where the need for extraction with large airflows is needed. The applications can be welding, laser or hand plasma cutting, metal spraying, grinding where lots of spatter is generated, or other industrial processes where a  perfect balanced and easily positioned arm is required.The Nederman NEX HD is also available with a patented hood design. The hood, made of aluminium, is resistant to high temperatures of extracted air (+120°C) and has a very high capturing capacity. The NEX HD model is ideal for heavy duty welding and where high airflows are demanded.The arm is available in four lengths; 2, 3, 4, and 5m.? Arm is suspended by a robust swivel, which allows the product to rotate 360 degrees? Flexible in all directions, perfectly balanced and very simple to position? Support mechanism of the arms are encapsulated which protects against dirt? Can be mounted in combination with different brackets, extension arms or on exhaust rails  
Nederman NEX S arm has a double earthed system. antistatic earthed ventilation hosethat prevents static electricity and sparks.The NEX S arm fulfills all requirements for use in environments containing explosivedust and gas. The open support arm system and hood of acid proofed polishedstainless steel requires little maintenance and makes it easy to clean. Forapplications with extremely high hygienic demands. 
The Nederman DX has a double earthed system, antistatic earthed ventilation hose that prevents static electricity and sparks.The arm is suitable for industries where hygiene is a top priority. NEX DX has concealed joints and a separate easy to mount hose. Enclosed support arm, separate hose and a stainless steel hood means the DX arms require little maintenance and is easy to clean.   





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